The Montreal Review features long-form critical essays, book reviews, commentary and interviews, photo essays, short stories and poetry. It is illustrated with contemporary and classic art by Canadian and international artists. Contributors to the magazine include Pulitzer Prize winners, thought leaders and opinion makers, world-class journalists and academics.


The Montreal Review welcomes unsolicited submissions of book reviews, long-form critical essays, and literary non-fiction.

Painters, photographers, and art galleries can suggest their work or inventory for illustration of magazine's essays, fiction, and poetry.


We do not have special requirements for the style and the theme of the submitted texts. But we give priority to book reviews and long-form critical essays in philosophy, art, literature, history and religion. We also accept texts in political and economic theory, environment and ethics.

We accept for re-printing works published only in print.

Tell us if you make a simultaneous submission.

If work you have submitted to us is accepted elsewhere, please notify us.


If your work is considered for publication, we will contact you within six weeks after the date of submission. Please note that we do not send rejection letters. We regret that we cannot respond to every submission. Prospective contributors who do not receive a response within six weeks should feel free to submit their manuscripts elsewhere.

We thank everyone for submitting to The Montreal Review.


Due to limited financial resources we are not able to pay for contributions. The authors retain all copyright after the appearance of their work in The Montreal Review.

Send your submissions to: themontrealreview@gmail.com


We welcome readers' letters, comments and views.

To have a Montreal City cultural event-gallery exhibition, theatrical or musical event, etc.-listed in the magazine, send the information to: themontrealreview@gmail.com




The Montréal Review © All rights reserved. ISSN 1920-2911